Slant-ruled notebook

januar 27, 2010

A lot of people sort of twist their notebooks when they write in them, this notebook has lines that are at a 45 degree angle- good if you have to write in a tight spot, like on an airplane.

Dieter Rams bog :-)

december 8, 2009

In over 40 years at Braun, Dieter Rams established himself as one of the most influential designers of the 20th century. His elegantly clear visual language not only defined product design for decades, but also our fundamental understanding of what design is and what it can and should do. Elucidating the design philosophy of Dieter Rams, Less and More is the ultimate collection of images of all of Rams’s products as well as selected sketches and models. In addition to the complete visual presentation of his designs, new texts by international experts reevaluate his work in a contemporary context.

Design School Confidential

november 11, 2009

Looking back, many designers fondly remember a particular class project that helped build their first portfolio. Design School Confidential is a new book that attempts to showcase these ‘extraordinary’ class projects, compiled from design schools around the world.


Scott Thomas samler penge ind til en bog om de visuelle aspekter af Barack Obamas præsidentkampagne.

Støtter man med $10 får man en digital udgave af bogen, støtter man med $50 eller derover får man bogen tilsendt når den er færdig….

Læs mere her.

Book covers – rare designs

september 25, 2009

vilde bogudsmykninger.
bog covers